mercredi 17 février 2010

Hotels Booking Engine

Ihotelier is part of TravelClick.
Its advantages are:

It combines a reservation system as well as marketing management solution (2 in 1)
improves conversion and revenue
Email communication with guests management

The technology features Istay system (=booking engine)
GDS connectivity
travel agent commission
Data bridge alliance
Open Travel Alliance

WEB 1.0 and WEB 2.0 for hotel websites

E-Business 17 02
View more presentations from Gabrielle D.

lundi 15 février 2010

Hotel Direct Website

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

dimanche 14 février 2010

Article Summary #8: 5 invisible practices for your new website

I found this article interesting because it provides relevant tips for hoteliers to use their website as efficiently as possible. Indeed, those tips allow the hoteliers to operate changes on their website without having to rearrange everything. Morover, if they do not use the tips, they will be bound to loose customers because of online redirection problems.

So, by taking time at the website construction to achieve thos 5 little steps, hoteliers will be ensured their website will always bring customers, whatever they modify on the website.

vendredi 5 février 2010

Article Summary #7: Time for US to treat China equally

China is currently the second world power but is still considered by Westerners as an emerging country and the "world workshop".

But China is fed up with this image and starts now to reinforce its position on the world frontstage.

Moreover, China becomes more and more powerful as it owns now the biggest part of the US debt.

So, the US and the world in general had better to change its point of view about China and consider it as a new economical power that also some power on world political matters.

China raises its voice and is decided to be heard.

jeudi 4 février 2010