I have chosen to analyze this article because I am really interested in sustainable development and I achieved a research paper in sustainable development applied in hospitality. This article is the occasion for me to improve my previous knowledge on that field.
It is important to remind that the hospitality industry is the second more polluting industry in the world. As people get more and more aware of the climate changes and their catastrophic impact on the Earth, all actors try to reduce the negative consequences of their activities on environment.
A new kind of companies emerged. Their goal is to help other companies to act responsively and to reduce their carbon emissions. Studies have been elaborated in order to find where carbon emissions come from and how to reduce them as much as possible.
By having first analazed every step of a conference or an event organization, those advice companies are now able to organize events that low carbon producers. They involve all the actors linked to the hospitality industry in this fight for the environment protection.
Il y a 4 ans
This article also appealed to me. During my internship at American Express Business Travel as a project manager in the event department, I have noticed that more and more clients (companies) are concerned about sustainable development during their events (no waste of food, travelling by train if its possible, green establishments, hotels...). I also have conducted projects that involved green suppliers, and I was really surprised about the types of products that green suppliers/companies were offering. For example, you can go on www.teambuilding-developpement-durable.com, it is an event company specialized in green team buildings. I think that sustainable tourism has really to be taken into account in all the decisions and strategies of tourism companies.